Illness name: stretch marks
Stretch marks are very common. They're harmless and often get less visible over time.
Stretch marks look like lines or streaks across the skin.
Stretch marks are often caused by sudden growth or weight gain.
You may be more likely to get them if you:
Rarely, stretch marks can be due to a condition called
Cushing's syndrome
Find out more about stretch marks in pregnancy
Stretch marks usually fade over time but may not disappear completely.
Many creams and lotions claim to prevent, reduce or remove stretch marks. But there's very little evidence these work.
There are some treatments that may help make stretch marks look better, but they will not get rid of them.
They include:
You would need to pay for these treatments as they're not available on the NHS.
It's not always possible to prevent stretch marks. The best way to reduce your chance of getting them is by maintaining a healthy weight.
You have large stretch marks and:
These could be symptoms of
Cushing's syndrome
Page last reviewed: 07 December 2021
Stretch marks
Check if you have stretch marks
Common causes of stretch marks
What to do about stretch marks
Non-urgent advice:
See a GP if:
Next review due: 07 December 2024